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Quiet Book

I stumbled upon this blog the other day and found...

Creating by Cami

She has great ideas for kid's crafts among many other creative projects.  When I got to this post about her 
QUIET BOOKS for kids, I wanted to drop everything and make one right then!  Seriously, it looks so fun and I would have had so much fun as a kid with one of these. 

I hope to get around to making one someday...before the kids are teenagers! 

Check it out! Here are just a few ideas for the quiet book she made...

Mix and match felt outfits...

Hang the laundry on the line...
(my favorite)

Weave the cherry pie...

Barrettes are in the little bag...

Button on the flowers...


These are just a few! 
Click on Cami's Quiet Book to go to her post. 


  1. I need to show you the one my mom made Tyler. I need to start making one for Kayla since it will take forever. Maybe by the time I am done she will be big enough to use it!

  2. What an honor! Thanks!


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