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Local Honey for My Honey

My MIL has been telling me to get some local raw honey for my honey.  He has nasty allergies and there are claims that local honey is the best medicine for this problem.  I looked into this claim and found there are no official studies for proof.  There was an unofficial study conducted that found allergy sufferers to have far less symptoms after six weeks of consuming two teaspoons of local honey daily.  Here is a link to Discovery Health coverage of

So, whether it works or not, it's worth a try!  At the very least, I'm supporting local business and I love that. 

Honey Locator is a website to help you find honey in your area.  (The theory suggest local honey helps allergy sufferers as the bees frequent local flowers).  Either way, it's neat to check out all of the neat honey and honey-related products offered across the U.S.  Most of the products make great gifts, too. 

The jury is still out on how well honey cures allergies.  Next Spring will be the true test!


  1. I've also heard that about local honey and allergies. We have a few people in our area who sell their honey, definitely nice to have!

  2. I heard the same thing...we have some honey and i just like it in my tea so we're good still if it doesn't work:)

  3. this post made me miss my dad SO bad.
    I live two hours away from my family during the school semesters.
    but this WHOLE summer I would make a special trip to the local farmers market to pick up my daddy-o some honey!

    He has had to take acid reflux meds for SO long, but he started making this little mix of honey and cinnamon in the mornings. Eats a spoonful [or two] and its like a miracle. He hasn't had to take any meds. and we can now eat spicy food again:)

    He swears its the honey!!


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