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Homemade Nesquik

Sugar Bananas has moved!  Click here for this post on the new and improved


  1. I'll have to remember this for when my grandson visits. Thanks!

  2. Thanks for the recipe.
    My two youngest do not like regular's either chocolate or "vanilla" (a teaspoon of sugar and vanilla extract.)

  3. Awesome! I love finding ways to recreate favorites at home for a fraction of the price. Thanks for sharing.

  4. You are my hero. I've been looking for a chocolate milk recipe! Thanks

  5. We go through a lot of Nesquik too - it gets the kids to drink milk, right? I'll have to make this soon!

  6. Sending LOTS of LOVE your way! Hello! Why didn't I think of that? I'm a Nesquick mom too and just think of the money I could have saved. Genius. Pure Genius. You are now my hero!!
    Suzie @

  7. that's very interesting:) i wish i was as smart as you:)

  8. YUM! Thanks for posting this recipe!

  9. Great idea for the copycat recipe. I will try it and make hot cocoa during the winter. Think I'll substitute Truvia for the sugar and see how I like it. :-)

  10. Awesome! Thanks! Found you on btn u&me! :)
    Newest follower...

  11. Off to make some right now! Thanks!

    Following from Tidy Mom.


    Stuff and Nonsense

  12. Hmmmm... interesting recipe. Happy FF.


  13. So glad to find this gem of a recipe. I have the same issues with my little miss and milk. We just got a big tub of the stuff at costco...the recipe is much more economical!

  14. I love Nesquick...but if I can make it it would be so much better! Thanks for sharing the recipe!
    Amie @

  15. Awesome idea! Found you on spotted dog...

  16. great much do you add for 8 oz milk?

  17. Oh my gosh! I love Quick! I begged for it all the time growing up and now my son likes it as well. Thanks for sharing this with us. Going to make some this week. :)

    Found you through Trendy Treehouse. Just FYI...they gave me permission to host the Marketing Mondays as well since they are only doing it once a month. I'd love to have you stop over there as well. As per their instructions mine is not called Marketing Mondays but Money Mondays.

    So glad I found you. I'm going to follow you and look forward to reading more! :)

  18. WOW, I never even knew you could homemake this. That's amazing. Come check out my blog, we are asking for pumpkin recipes right now, if you have one please share it!

  19. This is so cool! Please add your "Tip Me Tuesday" button onto your post so I can feature you!

    Thanks girl!


  20. What a darling blog and great idea. I'm your newest follower. Thanks so much for joining us at A Crafty Soiree and I hope you share another project tomorrow

  21. Really neat recipe! I'm definitely going to try this! Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites!

  22. Great recipe but how much of the mix do you add and how much milk?

  23. I LOVE the nesquik recipe. I either dissolve two spoonfuls in my espresso or a little bit of hot tap water before adding milk.

  24. I made this and wrote about it
    here. It was a big hit with the daughter and hubby. Thanks for passing on the recipe.

  25. I finally tried this Sarah. It tasted great. The only problem I had with it was that I could NOT get it to stir in. I would stir and stir and then the second I would stop it would separate again. I wonder if it was the kind of cocoa I used. SOOOOO, I am saving this for when I need it for the blender because I think the blender would do a much better job and getting it mixed in then I can! :)

  26. Hi Sarah ~ I just googled homemade nesquik and found your's beautiful! I also have a milk drinker dependent on Nesquik.
    Katie ~ Hmm, while I haven't tried the above recipe yet, I have made a recipe for hot chocolate mix and didn't have a problem with it separating. I can't remember which I did - I either mixed the ingredients in my blender or food processor. (Yes, the are dry ingredients.) I wonder if that'd do the trick of breaking the pieces down even smaller and/or incorporating them together well.

  27. Have you ever tried this with powdered sugar rather than granulated sugar?

  28. Okay, so I had a huge problem getting it to mix. I saw Katie say that she had the issue, but it seemed everyone else did not. What did I do wrong? I stirred and stirred and finally had to scoop out all the extra mixture that I could. The milk tasted good but all those extra pieces really threw it off.

  29. Thank GOD for your recipe this morning!!! I was out of Nesquick and all 3 of my girls were begging for their chocolate milk! I went to Pinterest as I always do and found your recipe! It is wonderful!!! My girls are all smiles with chocolate milk mustaches this morning!!!!!

  30. I too was at the store recently and balked when I looked at the ingredient list. I thought surely there was a way to make this at home...and likely for cheaper. Thanks for the recipe, it took me all of 2 minutes and I'm sittin here sipping on my chocolate milk.

  31. Oxalic acid in chocolate is present in very small amounts. The effect on calcium absorption is negligible. Less than 3% of the calcium on a chocolate milk mixture is turned into calcium oxalate by the presence of chocolate.


    1. Great info. Thanks for finding this link. I've also read that cocoa may help with lactose intolerance to milk. I'm not sure. ...I'll have to find the source for stats.

      As far as calcium absorption, I'd rather my kids drink chocolate milk and have at least *some* calcium versus drinking zero milk. They have a very balanced diet and do get plenty of vitamins and minerals from other foods and drinks. However, I do not want to take milk off of the menu. I like that they have a taste for milk in some form.

      Thank you again for the info and the link. Have a great week.

  32. Another advantage to making it yourself is that you can not only set your own sweetness level, but you can also use other sweeteners like xylitol (doesn't spike blood sugar, half the calories), erithritol (0 calories), maple sugar (hmmm--have to try this one), etc.

    1. Thanks Richard. Yes, some readers have written to say it works great with other sweeteners as well. I don't have a lot of experience with xylitol but I'm sure it would mix well. Maple sugar sounds like another great sweetener. Good idea. Thanks again!

  33. I'm curious how it might fare using Splenda Granulated in order to get a sugar-free version. Has anyone tried this?

    1. Hi Jim. Even though I've never tried this mix with granulated Splenda, other readers have written to say it works great. Good luck!

  34. I always use powdered sugar rather than granule sugar.
    I also add a bit of corn starch to thicken it a little.
    And yes, always dissolve the powders in a warm liquid (milk or water).

    1. AnnDenee, I've never thought to add corn starch. I'm sure it makes it thicker, like a malt milkshake. Thanks for the idea.

  35. I use powdered sugar rather than granule sugar.
    Also, I add a bit of corn starch to thicken.
    And yes, always dissolve the mix in a warm liquid (water or milk).

  36. Best avoid nasty nestle anyway. Their answer is to help provide some cleaner water. (how they going to do that in all the villages they re-educate the people to use their stuff?

  37. I was wondering if you could use honey powder in place of the sugar. Would be a bit healthier.

    1. Hi Dawn. I've heard of using other sweeteners with success in this recipe. I haven't tried honey powder but I'm sure it would be great. Thanks for the idea.

  38. Love this idea. My mom always made hot chocolate this way, but I never considered putting it into cold milk before. I will be trying this asap. Based on my experience with mom's hot chocolate, though, I would recommend the bit of hot water to dissolve before adding the cold milk. If for no other reason, sugar crystals don't dissolve well unless heated. :) Thanks for sharing.

    1. Oh yes. Dissolving first is definitely important. Thanks for visiting.

  39. Throw it in the blender for a quick spin and it will dissolve much quicker.

  40. Thanks for this recipe. My son is allergic to many preservatives so now he can have chocolate milk without the worry of hives!

  41. Thank you! Instead of sugar I used a stevia/erythritol blend and it was delicious! Thank you!

  42. This is awesome! I hate that packaged junk you buy and was looking for an easy hot chocolate mix... this is perfect! Thanks!


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