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Everything Smurfy

Smurfs are back!  It's so exciting to share them with my kiddos.  Many a Saturday morning was spent singing "la LA la la la la LA la la la la"

Smurf stuff is popping up everywhere.  Check out what I found...

Smurf Bento.  Do I see blue rice?  Love it!

Homemade Papa Smurf Beard

Peek-A-Boo Smurf Cupcakes

Smurf Hat

Gorgeous Cupcakes

Smurfy Mushroom Party Favors

3D Smurf Toppers

Smurfette Hairbow


Smurf Party Favor Bags

Smurf Nails!

And finally...

Smurf Yourself at Be Smurfed

Sarah as a Smurf is "Smurfarah" 

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  1. OMG -- so many great Smurf-inspired projects! My daughter has been sooooo excited about seeing the movie ever since she saw the preview a few months ago. I made both my girls smurf hats out of white fleece, and I'm in the process of putting together a little smurf luncheon before we take the girls and a few of their friends to the movies next week (in full blue face paint, I might add...). Can't wait to share your post with my girls, and make our own smurf with that nifty gadget! You're the best!!


  2. I just saw the preview for this yesterday when we went to see Harry Potter (finally!). It looks fantastic. I used to watch it as a kid and it's so nice to think my kids will be watching it now too!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha @ 5 Minutes Just for Me


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